Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A Tale of a Little Pinkie

Written by MMR

“I am injured…” these are the hardest words to be acknowledged by any runner. Whether the injury is self-inflicted due to too much running/training or self-inflicted through an accident, it is indeed a sad day for any runner/athlete to hear these words.

About two weeks ago, I carelessly dropped my big mug filled to the brim with water (which I was trying to place on my table) onto my little toes! The major impact was on the little toe of my right foot whilst the neighboring little toe (4th toe) suffered minor impact! The pain was so excruciating that I would not be able to speak for many, many moments. Immediate application of ice on the injured area yielded no results as I could not feel the ice at all due to the pain.

I thought I only “sprained” my toes or that the nerves were affected so I took matters very coolly. I did not seek medical attention to my little pinkie which was obviously shouting out in pain the next morning when it turned blue black and tripled in size – sort of monstrous looking toe!

Going to work in slippers seemed rather “cool” and became a topic of conversation. I could not wear even the biggest of my shoes as the sides (of the shoe) pressed against my poor little pinkie. Taking a rather nonchalant attitude towards my injury helped me in not feeling sorry for myself whilst walking with a limp but secretly I was worried as after one week, there was still pain. Though it was not the same excruciating pain I initially experienced, still there was this lingering pain and discomfort. Worse thing was that I could not run at all, walking was OK but which runner wants to walk all the time when one can run?

Pitiful looks from my usual running kaki’s did not help. As one kaki hit the bull’s eye on the injury -“You must be frustrated!” Yeah! I was beginning to feel real frustrated.

I met my doctor (finally!) after 10 days and he confirmed that there was a fracture on the little pinkie. If I wanted to see how badly fractured, he could take an X-ray of the toe but it was not necessary. “Your little toe is definitely fractured, the little toe is made of three little bones that will heal by itself – give it 4 to 6 weeks. You are lucky that it did not happen on the big toe or the middle toes or else your toe(s) will be in a cast.” My doctor told me matter-of-factly. Errrr… all I heard was “fracture” and “4 to 6 weeks”. Actually I heard “4 to 6 weeks” louder than fracture!

OK – I accept that I am injured and injury takes time to heal. Immediately upon the diagnosis, I felt better and more hopeful (that is why we pay doctors right? To make us feel better!). I shall rest the toe and exercise in other forms – cross trainer, swimming (hey! I might train to be a triahlete!) and walking and cycling.

So, to all the injured runners/athletes out there, keep smiling, rest just makes us want to come back stronger and better and remember to look out for other forms of exercise to keep the adrenalin pumping!

Warm wishes from MMR

Note from KC: Sorry to hear of your untoward incident. Wishing you a speedy recovery and in time to train for the Kuala Lumpur International Marathon on 30 March 2008. I see that there are men working shoes that have metal protective reinforcement for the toes. Maybe ladies shoes can be designed with the same concept, never mind with the slightly (or elaborately) rounded front. The design can be accepted as new fashion … :-)


Unknown said...

Thanks for the positive advice,I recently did the same thing except my futon couch jumped in front of me,I fractured it confirmed by xray,2 weeks before my Carlsbad Marathon,I've been tempted to still try to run, but I have yet to hear a "Go for it" from others,and yeah I guess it still is pretty sore..anyways Thank You!I appreciate your story and advice,Take Care

Anonymous said...

Hi Lori,
I am sorry to hear about your injury too. And just 2 weeks before a (I am sure much anticipated) marathon!!! Gosh! I can really understand the frustration.
Last night I read that one elite runner after injury (and disappointment) returned to win a race in a better time!! That has given me much hope during this time of recovery and hope it does for you too!
Warm wishes from MMR

Anonymous said...

Aiyah....my fullest sympathy to you. At least you didn't break a leg. Consolation is you can still "retain" your identity as MMR for a few more weeks....

Cheers, Sam

Anonymous said...

Your story brought back memories of yesteryears. I was down for more than a month before I could actually wear my shoe and run. It happened in the tailor shop of my mum. Was helping the auntie to open the glass sliding door of the wardrobe and low and behold the 3/4 cm thick glass just came plunging on my right big toe. I think you can feel my excrutiating pain and its like someone stabbing a knife into my heart. The next day the toe doubled its size and the nail turn blue black and eventually came off after a few months. Couldn't drive for a week. Which side of the toe were you hurt? Could you drive?